Sunday, February 8, 2009

A lifetime of food memories

On a recent trip to visit the hub's grandparents, I snapped this quick photo of Grandma's recipe box. (Isn't it cute?!)

Doesn't it just look full of yummy-to-my-tummy home cooked recipes? I wonder what food memories are filed away in that box. Hubs and I have only been married since July 2007 but I hope as time goes by, I'll get to experience a good number of those food memories, too. So fun!

I'm such a sentimental sap!


Nancy/n.o.e said...

Aww, what a great post! That recipe box looks well-used and bursting full of favorites. For Christmas I made a cookbook (using for my daughters - of my favorite recipes and some from family and friends. I scanned a lot of the original recipe cards and the book pages look like a scrapbook of recipes. It turned out really cute.

The Food Librarian said...

Oh, these are my favorite photos. I once went to the Pasadena flea market and almost cried when I saw vendors selling people's old photos and family cookbooks. I felt bad that someone in the family didn't keep them for future generations. I hope you get to make some your grandma's recipes and create a bin of favorites for your own family.

A Bee In My Bonnet - Leslie Anne said...

Just ran across your blog tonight, and found this post. Had to tell you what memories that photo brought back. My brother got married in December of the year I graduated from high school. After preparing & baking lots of goodies (back then, the rehearsal dinner was basically held at the home of the groom's parents), I was worn out & when my visiting grandparents went home to Pennsylvania, I went with them (6 hrs away from home in MD.) Anyway, I had to opportunity to go through both of my grandmothers' recipe boxes, and I got to copy down all of the holiday and everyday recipes I remember eating. Years later, I'm so fortunate to have these! I love to go to someone's home and ask to see their recipe box or recipe books, looking to see what types of things they're interested in. There have been a lot of people moving into and out of the Houston, TX area over the years (where I'm now located), so I have gotten recipes from people across the country & who knows where else!

But above all, the ones from my mom & grandmothers are the most important to my heart. I've been typing them into my computer, along with my memories & notes, so I'll have a copy of them. (I'm always pulling one out for my son, & then can't find it when I want it!)

And my son now cooks the "family favorites", from both my side of the family, as well as his father's side (yes, I went through my mother-in-law's recipe box, too!)

Thanks for the memories! Leslie

Anna said...

Wow, what a treasure. Those recipes look well used and well loved.